Mills Mania

Mills High School & The Mills PTO present Mills Got Talent Mania 2023

Open to all Vikings, Their Families, & Neighbors!

Mills Mania

Mills Mania has been a Vikings Tradition for many years, bringing past, present, and future Vikings together.  Our student organizations sell food and drinks (to help fund their activities), we’ll have a photo booth, and a therapy animal farm for all to enjoy!  

We will also have a random draw of fun prizes for families who have donated to the Annual Fund. 

Very Special Guests

The Little Explorer Petting Zoo will bring in therapy animals to help us celebrate the Mills Got Talent Mania.  Be sure to drop by the grassy area outside of the cafeteria exit towards the Student Parking Lot!

Find the Duck!

Rubber ducks will be hidden throughout Center Court - find one and bring it to the PTO Table for a FUN carnival prize!


Last year, we brought talent into Mills Mania and for the second year, will have Mills Got Talent Mania (MGTM)!  

Although this event will be FREE of charge, we are highly encouraging all attendees to make an Annual Fund donation and/or request a corporate match (if you have not already done so). 

(click on the “Donate” button)


We need some helping hands for MGTM (and prizes, if you have some to donate)!  If you would like to join a fun crew, fill out the volunteer form today: Mills Got Talent Mania Volunteer Request Form

We hope to see you there!


You and your student get the chance to win some fun prizes!*

As a reminder, our goal this year is $140,000 and we are only at 44% of the goal.  The last two years have been tough from a fundraising perspective ($70,000 raised in 2020 and $44,000 raised in 2021) so we do not have reserves and are in jeopardy of not being able to fund the following items (which are dependent on the Annual Fund):

Exceptional Counselors: Our counselors provide academic support and support our students’ socio-emotional well-being.  As you know, these support services are essential for our youth.  

Science Equipment: Mills High School has some of the best lab equipment and has excellent Science course offerings because of the Annual Fund.

Student Clubs, Classroom Equipment, and Field Trips: Our student clubs and teachers request extra funds for equipment, resources, and funding for trips.

Continuing to upgrade our classroom technology equipment: Our teachers upgraded to high-definition flat screens and projectors that allow for greater accessibility and more engaged learning (it helps when learners can see the slide deck). And the requests keep coming for the high-definition set-ups.  Can you please help us by doing one or more of the following?  

* Note: Attendance to MGTM is required in order to collect prizes.

If you have already donated, please submit a corporate match.  Our 501(c)(3) organization is listed as “Vikings-Parent Group” or “Mills High School PTO.”  Our Tax ID number is #94-2353182.

Donate to the Annual Fund today!  Although we appreciate EVERY donation, we are asking financially-able families to donate $500/family.  

Classes with the most donations will receive a prize.  Here is the current leader board:

In addition to some fun prizes, please see the Family Giving Levels below:

* Note: Attendance is NOT required to receive the items listed.